I wanted to know if I should believe Ahnsahnghong is the Christ, a prophet or just a man, like you and me. When I read the Bible, I saw that Jesus gave us the secret to recognize Him in his second coming.
John 10:37 – “Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father.”
How can we have a strong belief in Jesus Christ? We must do the following…
- Know the works of God (the Father)
- Match the works of God with the works of Christ
- If they match, accept him as the Christ
Fortunately for us, this is very simple! First, how do we find the works of the Father? Where would they be located? Jesus showed us where we can find them.
Luke 24:27 – And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.
How can we believe Ahnsahnghong? Only through the Scriptures, just like Jesus showed.
To Believe Ahnsahnghong, We Must Use the Bible
2,000 years ago, Jesus used Moses and the Prophets. What are Moses and the Prophets? Moses and the Prophets are the writers of the Scriptures. So, Jesus is showing us that we need to use the Bible to understand that he is the Christ. That’s why Jesus Christ used the Bible as an example to let us know who he was. There are prophecies in the Bible that ONLY the Christ can fulfill, meaning if we see someone doing these things, we can surely know it is God! That is why Apostle Paul preached about Jesus the same way, with the Bible…
Acts 17:2-3 – As was his custom, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead. “This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Messiah,” he said.
Apostle Philip also used the Bible…
Acts 8:35 – Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.
In order for us to understand if Ahnsahnghong is the Christ, we must use the Bible. We do not have to rely on our own thoughts or feelings. There are prophesies in the Bible that ONLY Second Coming Christ can fulfill! We must go through these one by one. Then if he is the one, we must believe!
John 10:38 – But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I am in the Father.
So let’s examine what the Bible says concerning the works Second Coming Christ…
Thank you for this very clear and understandable post. Jesus already set the standard in how we must believe in Him. Through His example 2,000 years ago it’s evident that He will appear the same way, testifying that He is the Christ through His works. Ahnsahnghong is Jesus Chirst who has come a second time because He does the works that only Christ can do. I thank God for letting me have ears and eyes to recognize this.
Great Article! It makes perfect sense for us to confirm what is being claimed about Christ Ahnsahnghong using the Bible. I myself took the time to do the research and found out that the Bible does testify to Him being the Christ. Keep up the good work!
As Christians, what we need to do is pay close attention to the example that Jesus Christ gave us 2000 years ago and follow in His footsteps! This is what the disciples such as Phillip and Paul did! How can we recognize Christ (God in human form) with our simple feelings or visual observation? It is impossible to recognize Christ in this way! Jesus Christ testified about Himself using the writtings of Moses and the Prophets (The Bible) then we must do the same! We must find all the prophecies concerning second comming Christ and believe in the One whom the prophecies testify about! Who fulfilled the prophecy of King David? Of Melchizedek! Who restored zion? Who revealed the secret of the seven thunders? Who came with the new name? If you study with us even one of this prophecies you can realize that is Christ Ahnsahnghong who fulfilled them all! I give thanks to God for allow me to understand and believe in Him 🙂
The same way the disciples recognized Christ through the Scriptures 2000 years ago, it’s the only standard so that we too can recognize 2nd Coming Christ now a days.
I liked this article a lot! Makes so much sense. Before, I only believed in God, but didn’t really know God. I had no idea what the works were that God had to do in order for us to recognize Him. The Bible is the only source for us to recognize Christ and know the works He must fulfill. But all I knew were works that so-called priests and religious leaders tell their congregations. Even though they quoted some nice things Jesus said, they could not teach me why or how to fulfill those needs for my life of faith. And they didn’t show me the works of Jesus and how to recognize Him. It was only after I came to the Church of God and learned the ways of Christ through Christ Ahnsahnghong that I could understand God’s truth and the works of Christ. It was at the Church of God that I came to actually know God!